Since 2008 the financial markets have sustained substantial losses as the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers overwhelming scandal. In Greece, the PSI cause a restructuring of the banking system that resulted directly or indirectly in severe damages to investors in bonds, shares and financial instruments in general who “saw” their lifesavings vanish.

Whereas in Cyprus, the banks losses were counterfeited by the notorious “haircut” of their deposits.

This unprecedented situation, generated legal disputes and fierce litigation proceedings, since investors suffered tremendous losses, brought to light the blind spots and revealed the malpractices in investor protection by the suppliers.

Our Firm is a leading practice in the Investor protection. We advise private and professional investors in any type of asset on the merits and the risks factors οf their investment in order to enable them to make coherent and suitable to their needs investment decisions and compatible with their investment profile.  We are top litigators and  pursue compensations for our clients who have been misled, deceived, misinformed or wrongly advised during this procedure.

Clients seek advice and consultation mainly on:

  • Contract terms & Liabilities
  • Their rights & obligations
  • The legal terms, the liabilities and the investment risks involved in each investment instrument
  • The transparency and motives in the capital markets