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Announcement to all investors in FOLLIE financial instruments

Announcement to all investors (natural or legal entities, mutual funds, institutional investors, family offices etc) in FOLLIE financial instruments (equity holders, bond holders, investors in derivatives, adr’s etc).

Regarding to the initiation of LITIGATION against the company, and any entity, legal or physical persons, authorities etc , who are accountable for compensation.

Hellenic Investors Association, without prejudice to any other procedure that might be taken by others for the same purpose, has decided to take the necessary steps for legal aid to its members.

The Organization will proceed to assign to interested Law Firms which have already expressed their interest to “HELINAS” the filing of Law Suits against the abovementioned company and any other person, physical or legal that could be liable for compensation.

As the list of law firms will be enhanced within the next few weeks, HELINAS has decided to assign the legal actions to KYROS LAW OFFICES (Athens, Greece), as it is incorporated in its websites as following: (http://www.kyroslawoffices.gr/el/omadikes-agoges/follie,  http://www.apozimiosi.gr/upotheseis/follie) , along with their exclusive representative in USA, the prestigious Law Firm “Grant & Eisenhofer” (www.gelaw.com), in case of foreign jurisdiction other than Greece (as the case would be for FOLLIE bondholders).

Kyros Law & Grant & Eisenhofer share a common history of battles in international investor litigation disputes, most lately the case of almost a 1000 investors (individuals and companies) who lost their assets during the Cyprus Banking Bail In in 2013 (www.cyprusaction.gr) , which is currently adjudicated in Washington at ICSID (International Center of the Settlement of Investment Disputes)

Any person or company with potential claims against Follie which has already expressed or wishes to express its interest to be part of this litigation will be informed by HELINAS Newsletter very soon with all respective Law Firms information so that they could provide you with further details.

Only members of HELINAS will have the right to proceed with the chosen Law Firms assuming that they have already become members

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